In the tapestry of my childhood dreams, the moon holds a special place. It gleamed like a silvery coin in the night sky, and its enigmatic beauty sparked the imagination of countless thoughts. As I grew older, I left behind these fanciful dreams to pursue more practical goals. Moon has a special place in my heart and I don’t want to diminish those beautiful fantasies by the harsh light of real world.

So for me the Moon is a Symbol of Imagination

The moon has long been a symbol of imagination and wonder. As an Introvert child, I spent most of my time in reading and imagination. At nights, I used to go up on rooftop , I used to lookup at the night sky and saw not just a celestial body, but a canvas upon which I used to paint my wildest dreams. Many times I even imagined myself as a lunar adventurer, walking on the moon’s surface, discovering hidden treasures, and meeting friendly aliens. The moon was a beacon of the unknown, a realm where anything seemed possible.

However, as I grew up, it became essential for me to let go of these flights of fancy and face the real world. I was asked to be more practical, to focus on my studies, my career, and my responsibilities. So those days of fantasies and day dreaming have passed now, but the moon still is a symbol of imagination and will remind me the importance of preserving that spark of wonder that made my childhood so special.

Ever since India has succeeded in landing Chandrayan on the lunar surface, people’s curiosity to go to the moon has increased. Since then, many times such questions come up that what can you do to go to the moon ,or how much can you spend to reach the moon? My answer would be that my childhood memories related to the moon are more important to me than going to the moon.

The Moon Was a Childhood Fantasy, Let It Be So.

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